Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I recently set up an account on We had a class assignment that challenged us to find our "perfect match." The way we did this was to choose one of our own tags and find someone else that tagged that page. Then we browsed through their other tags to see if we had more things in common. This was a very interesting exercise and I feel like it could prove to be very useful in finding helpful links in areas of my interest.

In the article The Several Habits of Wildly Successful Users, by Bren, I learned a lot of ways to make useful to me. She mentioned several things like, tagging as much as you want, use the inbox to find out who has been tagging the same things, and stalk other users, among other suggestions.

I embrace technology, I love social media sites, I text pretty much non-stop every day. I love it. But for some reason I don't feel like I will necessarily use I think the concept is great, but I really don't feel like I have any use for it. Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe it just isn't the right time for me to use it. I could see this bookmarking tool as being helpful when I'm out of college. Working, researching, networking. I would love to hear from someone my age (21) that has a million good things to say about this site. How I could benefit from it. Why I should actively give it a try. I have nothing against it, I just don't know if it is right for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your stance. I blogged about this last week. I see how delicious is useful to some, but I'm so lost in the internet social media technology that the only sites I use are Facebook, Myspace, and my Google Reader account. When we did the "perfect match exercise," it took almost the entire class and I still didn't even truly find my "perfect" match. I also agree that it may help me out later in life, but currently I see it having no purpose in my life.