Sunday, March 1, 2009

I am a Tweeter

Last time I blogged about maybe wanting to try Twitter, but I was a sceptic. Well, thanks to a good friend I ended up signing up for Twitter. So far, I have 8 followers, and I am following 17 people and organizations. I think that it is very interesting that people are following me and I have no clue who they are. I have received several random requests and I have accepted just to see if anything interesting will happen. So far, nothing. In class we have talked about Twitter being an excellent tool for networking professionally. In my PR class my professor was following someone on Twitter that led them to a web site that formats press releases for you! It is amazing, I already used the site for a class assignment. It is amazing how powerful a tweet can be.
I am going to begin using my Twitter account to try and network for a future career. I hope that it works!

1 comment:

Sara M said...

I use Twitter at my internship, but I haven't set up a personal account yet. Hopefully I can get around to that soon. It sounds useful on a personal level as well.