Sunday, March 15, 2009

Care to know when people are talking about you?

On Wednesday our class learned a cool way to monitor what is being said about a particular subject of interest. The class example was creating a pipe on SXSW. First you have to go to and create a Yahoo! account if you don't already have one. Then click, 'create a pipe'. I chose to create a pipe about myself. So, I am monitoring a few websites to see if anyone is talking about me. I inserted my Twitter name rcampsey, and I inserted my blog URL. I think it is really interesting how handy technology like this is. Not for me personally, I don't have anybody talking about me that I didn't already know about, but for large companies, or for famous people, or authors, actors, CEOs. The list of people who can benefit from Yahoo pipes is endless. They can monitor for negative feedback, conduct research on how well a PR, marketing, or advertising campaign was received, and use it as an opportunity to create a dialogue with the people that have something to say about them. Another really great thing is that once you create a pipe you can subscribe to the RSS feed for it so that you don't have to keep going back to your pipe page to monitor that! It all comes to you. I love how easy technology makes life.


Anonymous said...

I found this tool pretty interesting myself. This is kind of silly but I was watching Keeping up with the Kardashians, and there was an episode where Klohe made fun of Kim for having to check all her alerts such as google and what not to see what people were saying about her. This whole pipe thing would be helpful to celebrities as well as companies to bring everything to one place so that they did not have to spend so much time (or others that they pay's time) to check multiple sites and see what is being writen. This would also come in handy if there were false information floating around about a company because then they would be able to nip it in the bud before the information was spread too much.

Anonymous said...

I found myself talking to a bunch of people today about these new social media concepts, such as Google Reader and Yahoo! Pipes and was still amazed that people still hadn't even heard of them. After explaining what they were all about, the people I talked to thought they were stupid. I, personally love the idea of these technologies, but see why some people would think the ideas of foreign or different. Everyone needs time to dip-in and experience something new, so it may take longer for these people to come around to the new technologies.